Instructional Article Library
With the help of Dr. Tony Woodward, DVM, AVDC, we’ve put together a series of articles that addresses not only clinical, but also business facets of veterinary dentistry.
Dental Imaging

Simplified Positioning for Dental Radiology
All positioning errors involve the three parameters of tube angulation, tube position and film position. Three simple rules serve to identify and correct any errors.

Rationale for Dental Radiology
We continue in this article describing the five basic dental services that all general practitioners should be able to provide for their patients. In the last article we covered the 12-step cleaning process.

Basic Dental Radiology
Practice standards dictate a higher level of oral care for our patients, and dental radiology is a vital part of those standards.

Dental Radiology Positioning Cheat Sheet
This chart is designed to be copied and placed next to the dental X-ray machine, for easy reference.
Dental Treatments and Procedures

Realizing the Potential for Dental Care
Good dental care requires that the entire staff has an awareness of how dental disease effects pets and how to recognize potential problems.

12 Step Cleaning Procedure
The 12-step cleaning procedure is the foundation from which proper diagnosis and treatment flow. If diligent in applying these steps, patients and clients will notice the difference.

Basic Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal disease results from the action of oral bacteria in concert with the host response to that infection. Both are thought to contribute substantially to the creation of periodontal pockets.

Bonded Sealants for Fractured Vital Teeth
Dental fractures are often painful, and treatment can vary, depending on the fracture type encountered.

Extractions: Part 1
This article will discuss the rationale and veterinary dental equipment used for surgical extractions.

Extractions: Part 2
We continue describing the five basic veterinary dental services that all general practitioners should be able to provide for their patients.

Local and Regional Anesthesia for Veterinary Practices
Effective pain control employs a proactive, multi-mode approach that starts with pre-operative medications, includes the anesthetic protocol selected.
Helpful Tips for Your Practice

Customized Dental Marketing Plan for Your Practice
You can maximize the potential of dentistry in your veterinary practice by educating your staff and recognizing and treating problems that are often missed.

Blowing the Top Off of Your Veterinary Dental Dept!
Mastering a few basic techniques and educating your staff and clientele can help you successfully take your practice to the “next level” of dental care.