As a veterinary dentist committed to preventing animal oral disease, you rely on the best prophy products. Dentalaire has a wide range of veterinary dentistry prophy products to help you overcome the unique challenges of working with animals, including:
View our full catalog here.
Call Dentalaire today at 800-866-6881 and let us help you find the best prophy products for your veterinary dental practice.
- Plaque disclosing solution for veterinary dentists, to locate calculus or plaque on teeth.
- Disposable prophy angle that reduces heat, paste splatter and tangles from catching hairs.
- Both autoclavable and sealed and autoclavable prophy angle.
- Anti-bacterial fluoride quick-gel to strengthen animal tooth enamel.
- Vetcare prophy paste in fruit or mint flavors.
DA552PSC Economy
DA10955 True Seal
DA551PSN Snap-on Prophy Angle Eco
View our full catalog here.
Call Dentalaire today at 800-866-6881 and let us help you find the best prophy products for your veterinary dental practice.